Ekipa Zambia gotowa do boju. Lider zaopiekował się rowerami tak dobrze ze w Brennabory wstąpiło nowe życie. W sobotę koło południa po pożegnaniu dzielnej ekipy Kongo Safiri w Chingola wyruszyliśmy w drogę. Pierwsze wrażenie – Afryka jest po prostu CUDOWNA!
Powitanie w Chisamba
List ks. Dominique Dagijimana w oryginale:
I am Rev. Fr. Dominique Ndagijimana, the Parish Priest of Chisamba, Holy Cross Parish. I was at home relaxing a little bit on Sunday after the mass, when I was told that BAZUNGU (WHITES) are at the gate looking for somebody to talk to. It was Agnieszka, Wojciech, Tomasz and Rafal cycling Zambia on the way across the whole Africa in memory of their ancestor KAZIMIERZ NOWAK who passed the night here in Chisamba on 17th of Nov 1933. As a Parish Priest I was excited and impressed by their courage and admiration they have for this great man. I could not allow them to go to hotel or any lodge. It is my pleasure to have them and eat and drink with them. I will love to be in touch with the team and follow their successful story. I send this note to acknowledge their passage here in Chisamba and the supper we are having, where KAZIMIERZ NOWAK had the supper in 1933 with the Polish named Priest. I am giving them my blessings and praying for their success.
Rev. Fr. Dominique Dagijimana
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